Saturday, June 11, 2011

New installer kit for Eee PC 1005HA (or HAB)


The newest Jaavros kit for 1005HA(B) may be downloaded from [new link].
NOTE: The instructions in kit are no longer current.  MyHack is not used. Please use ModUSB instead.

For anyone who installed the previous kit, there are 4 new or updated kexts to install. Also, a newer version of the Chameleon Bootloader. (And a cool Preference Pane)

Fan control should work now. The netbook finally runs cool. The bug that made Power Management occasionally fail to load, seems to be fixed with the new bootloader.
There are a few other updates. Such as "Quiet Boot". These can be changed in the new Chamelleon PreferencePane. (If you still need to get into the bootloader, press F8 before the apple logo appears.)
There is also a different way to make the Installer Thumb Drive, using "ModUSB" by Nawcom.

I will thank those who developed these, and embellish the instructions later on, and update this.


What you will need:
• Access to any Mac computer, or a Hackintosh.
• 8GB or larger USB thumb-drive, SD card, or an external USB Hard-Drive.
• Asus Eee PC 1005HA or 1005HAB.
• Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 Installer DVD (the $29 one). You can use any Snow Leopard Installer DVD, as long as it is Retail (not the one that comes with a Mac, but the one you buy for $29 from Apple).
• Mac OS 10.6.6 Combo Updater (downloaded from the support tab at Store it on another (perhaps 2GB) SD card, or a USB Hard-drive.
• Jaavros-Kit 1005HA: download from above
• ModUSB created by Nawcom. Please download it here 
• Nawcom's fixkext utility. Please find it here

To make a USB Thumb-Drive that installs Snow Leopard: 
You can do this on any real Mac computer, or any Hackintosh. Basically, you will be Restoring the "Snow Leopard Install DVD 10.6.0" to the Thumb-Drive. Then using the application "ModUSB" to finish the install.

Step 1. Use Disk Utility to "Restore" from the Snow Leopard 10.6.0 Installer DVD to the USB Thumb-Drive. (enable "Erase Destination")
Screen-shots are here.
2. Run the app ModUSB (thanks to Nawcom). Agree to the legal stuff, then select your thumb drive to do the installation.

3. Copy "Jaavros-Kit 1005HA" to your Thumb-Drive. You will need it later.

Your Thumb-drive is ready to install Snow Leopard on your EeePC!!!

To install Snow Leopard to your Hard-Drive:
Before you install Snow Leopard, there are a few things to do. First, update to the latest Bios. To do this, boot into the Windows operating system that comes installed with the netbook. Use Asus-Tools to update your Bios. Then, re-boot into the Bios by tapping "F2" while booting.  Under the "Advanced" tab, set the "IDE Configuration" to "Advanced - [AHCI]". Under the "Boot" tab, disable "Instant Boot" or "Quick Boot". Don't worry if there is no choice for that. It will only be a choice is Windows is present.
Now you are ready to install Snow Leopard. Plug in the USB Mouse and the Thumb-Drive. Hit F10 (to save changes to the Bios and reboot).

1.  Press "ESC" when the computer boots. Select the USB Thumb-drive from the list.

2. At first window, select the disk icon for the Mac OSX Installer. Hit return.
Install OSX to your hard drive. (reformat to GUID, if necessary) The install should finish, and tell you it failed. That is correct. Don't panic. You just did a clean install of Snow Leopard to your Hard-Drive!!!

3. You still need to use the Thumb-Drive to boot off your Hard-Drive. Because it is still a clean install (vanilla).
Restart into the Thumb-Drive, as you did earlier.  This time you will select the icon for your new Snow Leopard OS and hit Enter. Your computer should boot into Snow Leopard.
When you reach the registration window, fill out the forms. You should eventually reach your desktop. YEY!!!

4. The next thing to do is update to OS 10.6.6. Copy the Mac OS 10.6.6 Combo Updater to your desktop, and run it. After it is done, DO NOT RESTART. Note: This kit is optimized for 10.6.6 update only.

5. Install "Chameleon" using the installer in the jaavros-kit.

6. You will need to show "invisible" files for the next step. The application "ShowAllFiles" in Jaavros-Kit will do this.You can also use terminal commands to show/hide invisible files.

7. Replace the file "mach_kernel" on the root of your hard-drive with the one from Jaavros-Kit. After that, you can hide invisible files.

8. Replace the folder "Extra" on the root of your hard-drive with "Extra" from Jaavros-Kit. (You may have to delete the previous folder first.)

9. Move files in Jaavros-Kit to /System/Library/Extensions, replacing the ones that are already there. 

10.  Fix the Permissions (using Disk Utility)

11. Fix the cache:
Download and Install the app "fixkext" by Nawcom. To run the program, open a Terminal window. (The Terminal application is located in /Applications/Utilities/.) Type sudo fixkext then hit Enter . Follow prompts. It is quick.

After it is done.... NOW you can finally shut down. Expect a long delay. That is normal. Please wait patiently.
When finally shut down, remove the thumb drive.
Startup into Mac OS X.
You should have a fully functional Hackintosh. DO NOT update the operating system to 10.6.7. I will post a hacked-kernel. However, you should use Software-Update to update everything else.


• "Hibernation Image Too Old"
Problem: A message during boot about "Hibernation Image being Too Old".
Open a Terminal window.
sudo pmset hibernatemode 0
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage


  1. it appears the link doesn't go to the file anymore.

  2. The link is death. Can you please reupload it? Thanks for the posts, hopefully they'll work on my EEE 1002HA too :)

  3. Fixed the link. Should work again. Sorry bout that, haven't checked the blog lately.

  4. @Pavol
    The 1002HA seems to be the same as 1005HA. My guess is this kit should work.

  5. This page is outdated.
    I have moved future development to the forum on OSXLATITUDE.COM...

    Or, if you prefer, you may continue to use latest kit on This Blog. It will still work. The link is below...
