Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Latest Hackintosh Install Kit

Kit for installing OS X 10.6.8 on an EeePC 1005HA(B) netbook!

New kit available! (new dsdt, other changes)
click here to go to the download site for "".  Thanks and enjoy!

Note: The latest instructions have been moved to Insanelymac, HERE. There are also instructions on OSXLatitude, but I've misplaced my forum password, and cannot reply to support questions there.


Copy to the root of your hard drive the 3 items: machkernel, boot, extra. other words, drag those 3 items onto your hard drive icon.

Install "fixkext" (unzip and run installer).
thanks go out to nawcom for this utitlity

Open a Terminal window. Type "sudo fixkext" (without parentheses). Type password then return, (it will not respond while typing password).
Restart when prompted.
The purpose of the utility "fixkext", is to reset the Kext Cache. Any time you install or change any kexts, you should again run the utility "fixkext".

NOTE: Having a 2 GB RAM chip installed is required for this kit.
(Otherwise, power management might not work correctly. If you want to use 1 GB RAM you must edit the DSDT file).

If anyone is having issues with the sd card unmounting, add IOSDHCIBlockDevice.kext to /extra/extensions/
It is available here:
(Thanks to Francois for recommending it)
... run the terminal application "fixkext" after adding kext.

Some improvements:
This has updated bootloader, and some other files.
Newer fakesmc... CPU temp can now be monitored.

What works and don't. Please feel free give suggestions for any improvements.

Mostly everything just works. Including lid sleep, sound, wifi, ethernet, HD and CPU temperature monitoring, Power management, fan speeds.

Things that don't work:
Wake from sleep is problematic with USB drives mounted. Workaround: the application "Jettison". (the terminal program "sleepwatcher" has also been recommended for this purpose)
Sound is slightly muted after wake from sleep. Solution is to install the application Spark to set-up F-Keys for sound volume and mute.

Wifi works well with the built-in device, as long as you have the correct kext.
I swapped my wifi card for a Broadcom card and flashed it to be an Airport Extreme.
Please let me know if your wifi doesn't work with the stock wifi card. I can find you a different kext which might work.

Links to previous kits:

click here to go to the download site for "JaavrOS_X_1068_1005HAB_070612".
Click Here to download the OLD kit ""
Thanks to everyone for the help and advice!


  1. Hi Jaavros,

    I've been working on a 1005HAB running 10.6.7.

    I'm using an updated AtherosL1cEthernet and VoodooHDA. The AtherosL1cEthernet auto-detects the cable and fixes the self-assigned IP address problem and some kernel panics. The VoodooHDA is the latest version 2.7.4 modified with the correct pin configuration for the 1005HA(B). If you're interested in the files, send me an email at sakman56 at

    Thanks for your latest kit. I'm interested to check out the IntelCPUMonitor.

    1. In case anyone cares, the updated AtherosL1cEthernet is thecandle's 101010 source with fixes by toine44. Compiled it for i386 from code posted in the Atheros AR8131/AR8132 thread in the InsanelyMac forum.

  2. Please send or post those files. Thanks! Will send an email.

    Did you get Gigabit Ethernet working? Only have Fast Ethernet on the EeePC.

  3. @sakman - can you provide a link to those files?

    @professor jaavros - thanks for the posts, I haven't applied the updates to my 1005ha yet - still at 10.6.7, but I'm following this with interest!

    1. JaavrOS has the files and is testing them for potential inclusion in an updated kit.

      Send me an email and I'll get them to you.

  4. I'll be putting up a new kit with those. Thanks!

    Thanks for figuring out that it isn't a gigabit ethernet card. No big deal, the fast ethernet and wifi works well.


  5. Hi, all it's ok! But I've a big problem from many time...
    So, when the pc start, sometimes (unfortunately sometimes! not always!) after the apple logo's i've a kernel panic. I've red the message and the problem is "VoodooHDA".
    I've just delete this file from \system\library\extension, but the problem continue...
    I believe (or i'm sure) that the problem is the DSDT.aml because i've just tried to delete the dsdt.aml and i never have this kernel panic (naturally,after, the dsdt is necessary).
    I ask so, is there some line to edit in the file dsdt.aml?
    Anybody has this problem?
    I repeat: sometimes i've the kernel panic, usually the system start correct. I define a "random problem"...
    If somebody can help me, please!
    Thanks a lot and congratulation for this blog!

    1. Manuela, thanks for testing the new kit.

      A few questions... What laptop is it? RAM, OS Version?

      Do you get REPEAT kernel panics? Or, does it start OK when you force shutdown and startup the second time?


    2. i had same problem with voodoohda i justed put my own voodooHDA (0.2.35) kext and now it's ok.

  6. Sorry, Ok this is the details:
    Eeepc 1005HA
    Bios Revision: 1601
    EC Firmware Version:EPCD-037
    Processor type:Intel Atom CPU N270 1.60Ghz
    RAM: 1 GB DDR2
    Snow Leopard 10.6.8 with the last update
    And, naturally, your perfect kit! :)

  7. Naturally, I've just change the DSDT.aml with the correct code for 1 GB of Ram.

  8. About kernel panics seems to be a random problem but many times (not always) on the first boot i've the kernel panics and then, when i force shutdown, the second time start correctly...

    1. Thanks again Manuela. Just to mention few things...

      The DSDT is not really necessary if your computer will boot without it. For some reason, my EeePC will NOT boot into 10.6.8 without the DSDT. If yours will boot without DSDT, that should be fine. I'm actually rather surprised that your EeePC will boot into 10.6.8 without a DSDT. That is why I asked.

      I should mention that I also get occasional Kernel Panics on boot, but not on the second startup. I don't worry about it, as long as it boots on the second start. If you were to get REPEATING Kernel Panics (and cannot boot), or, if you get Kernel Panics while the computer is in use, those would indicate problems.

      VoodooHDA is for enabling built-in audio. If you delete it, you won't have sound. You can try installing the version of VoodooHDA.kext in my older kit if you want. But, the newer kext is better. It was customized for this particular EeePC (by SAKMAN... many thanks).

      Don't forget... you need to reset the Kext Cache's after you change or install any kexts. I prefer to use the Terminal utility "Fixkext" (included in my kit).

      [thanks to Nawcom for the Fixkext utility]

      Manuela... you also mentioned removing kexts from /System/Library/Extensions/ (/S/L/E/). Actually, this new kit works best installed on the root of your hard drive. The Kexts would be located in /Extra/Extensions/
      (in other words, drag the "Extra" folder onto your Hard Drive Icon.)
      If you previously installed kexts in /S/L/E/, you should remove them. Sorry... if you installed one of my older kits, there were kexts installed in /S/L/E/. Please remove them if you can.

      Manuela, if possible, can you please post here the DSDT file you modified for 1GB RAM? This would be useful for others who haven't yet upgraded their RAM to 2GB. If you would rather, email me the file and I will post it. My email is


  9. Hi everyone,

    I'm having an issue where SD cards in the internal slot keep unmounting. Is anyone else seeing that issue? For now, my solution is to use a USB Card adapter. I am looking for a solution, and will update the kit when I figure this out.

    Any ideas would be helpful.


  10. Help is needed...

    Thanks to those have posted and reported problems.
    Can anyone report full success after installing with this new kit?
    My system has been updated so many times, it is hard to know if there aren't any kexts lingering in my system. Sorry about that, there is no way I can know.

    I will try doing a fresh clean install on an external, but that isn't the best either.

    If anyone else besides those who already posted, can report success (or partial success with listed problems), it would be very helpful in getting this kext kit in order.

    Thanks for your help.

    1. you can use this kext : IOSDHCIBlockDevice.kext

      everything works for me.

      Wake from sleep is problematic with USB drives mounted => i used sleepwatcher_2.2 to solved it (i can upload it with my file)

  11. i want to perform my installation could tel me if i need to ad something in my

    Boot Banner
    Boot Graphics
    Default Partition
    Hide Partition
    Legacy Logo
    device-properties 4b00000001000000010000003f0000000100000002010c00d041030a0000000001010600031c0101060000007fff0400160000006200750069006c0074002d0069006e0000000500000001

  12. could you explain to me function of:


  13. Hi Francois,

    Thanks for the comments, sorry I was slow to reply. I'm glad to hear that the install works on your netbook. Thanks for testing it. :-)

    I will try that kext for the sd card slot. Thanks for the solution.

    I was using Jettison to eject drives, as a workaround for the usb sleep issue. Is sleepwatcher better? I'll try that.

    As for the boot.plist, you should be able to use the one in the kit. If you want, you can combine those flags with yours, and experiment. It's all good.
    You don't need the device properties for the graphics, that is in the DSDT. I've had no problems without the device properties in the plist.

    P&C states:
    I found that enabling the P&C states helped the fan know the right speeds to spin at. Usually, P&C states are used for speedstep, but this kit doesn't enable speedstep anyway. It is mostly for the fan here. (P&C states are ratios of how fast the CPU runs in proportion to the voltages, depending on workload demand. But that might be an oversimplification.)

    Feel free to upload those kexts you mentioned. You would have to use an online storage provider, such as "zippyshare". Then post the link to it.
    If you'd prefer, you can always email them to me:
    jaavros at gmail dot com
    (I spell it out to avoid spam)
    Otherwise, I can find those kexts online.

    Thanks again for the comments.

  14. Thanks again, Francois... IOSDHCIBlockDevice.kext fixes the sd card problems. If anyone else is having that problem, here is the link where it can be downloaded.

    I haven't tested sleepwatcher for the usb Hard Drive wake issue, as the application Jettison has been working fine.


  15. Hello. I am currently running 10.6.6 on my 1005hab with 2 gigs of ram. I used myhack from Techno Talk to get this point. However, this method seems to be a bit old and does give instructions to get to 10.6.8. Knowing this, can I use this method to get to 10.6.8 without having to start all over?


  16. Hi Brian,

    MyHack is an excellent tool that I regularly use on my other hackinosh computers.
    Unfortunately, it is not compatible with this install method. But you can update to 10.6.8 using my kit if you make this modification:

    Remove the "MyHack.kext" from /System/Library/Extensions/. NOTE: there are 2 of these kexts, one is invisible. Be sure to delete them both. You can view invisible file using instructions HERE:

    Do not use MyHack or MyFix after this. (It will make my installation kit impossible to boot)
    Instead, use "FixKext"

    You should then be able to update to OS 10.6.8, and all other Apple software to the newest available versions.
    After updating your OS, be sure to replace the "boot" and "mach_kernel" on the root of your hard drive with the one from my kit (Apple updates it on the OS Update).

    You should install my kit, replacing the /Extra folder, the "boot" file and the "mach_kernel" in the root of your hard drive.

    In case you are interested, the reason MyHack is incompatible, is my kit uses an older version of Chameleon, which give a different name to the boot.plist file. I have not been able to update my method to work MyHack, despite my effort. But the older bootloader works flawlessly, so I'm continuing to use it.

    Good luck.


  17. Hello,

    I gave your kit a try on my EEE PC 1000 but it was unsuccessful. Everything went super smooth until the very last restart the OS X does not want to boot. All I get is a blinking _ and that's it. I followed the instruction to a T and gave it a 2nd run to see if I've made a mistake bu sadly with the same result. It would be great if you can give me any suggestion, thank you in advance.

    Eee PC 1000
    BIOS: 0913
    8GB Asus Phison pcie ssd + 32gb Super Talent Pcie (OSX installed here)

    Matt N.
