Thursday, September 29, 2011

10.6.8 on EeePC 1005HAB


I finally updated the EeePC to 10.6.8. Despite all precautions, it turned into a mess.
Fortunately, I found a solution. Many thanks to Jhonny at the MarcoMC blog. And thanks to Marco. Also, thanks to everyone who helped with development.
Here is the blog with the solution.

In the comments, Jhonny makes available an entire kit for 10.6.8. Here is the link to download Jhonny's kit.That is what I used.
Please note: This kit uses a pre-made DSDT file. Because of this, you must have 2 GB RAM installed for it to work correctly. Or, you can learn how to edit the DSDT file.
To install, copy his kit (the "Extra" folder, ""boot" file and "mach_kernel") to the root of your hard drive to replace the previous. The only additions are to add SMBIOSResolver.kext, and update the FakeSMC.kext to version 3.1.0 (Put them in /Extra/Extensions/). Both kexts are available in my previous kit, or online (google for it).
On my computer, the power and external hard-drives would not work correctly without the SMBIOSResolver. I don't know the technical reason for this, but it fixes several problems.
Good luck with it.


To update from a previous Jaavros install, this is what I did:
Copy your Extensions folder (/System/Library/Extensions/) somewhere as a backup. You might need it later.
In /System/Library/Extensions, delete all the previously installed kexts from my previous kits. You can easily find them, they will be marked in colors.
Then, run the 10.6.8 COMBO Update Installer. DO NOT RESTART when the update completes.
You will need to Show Invisible Files for the next step.
Drag the "Jhonny's Kit" to replace in root. (drag the "Extra" folder, ""boot" file and "mach_kernel" to the root of your hard drive to replace the previous.)
Drag SMBIOSResolver.kext and FakeSMC.kext to /Extra/Extensions/ and replace. You can find those either in the Extensions folder that you backed up, or in the previous Jaavros kit.
Fix Permissions/cache:  Open Terminal window and type sudo fixkext. Type your password and hit Enter. If you don't have the terminal app "fixkext", install it from my previous kit or download it online.
Use Disk Utility to Repair Disk Permissions.