Note: This install is outdated, See the newer blog, above.
First, a quick explanation about this install method. (You can skip forward to the next section if you want.)I have tried many install methods. This is my favorite. I would like to thank everyone in the Hackintosh scene. I will try to thank the individuals who developed the kexts in this package, as I remember where I found them.
The method described below is a "non-DSDT, hacked-kernel, null-powermanagement" method based on myHack installer v1.1. Basically, this method is based on Kexts. Being Kext-based, allows for updates. These can be shared on my blog for everyone to update with. Because it is not based on DSDT, you can change your hardware. You may upgrade your RAM, Battery, Hard-Drive, WIFI card, etc. If you want to make your own DSDT, that would be also be good. You should avoid using a DSDT created on someone else's computer. There can be subtle differences that can cause problems. It isn't that difficult to learn to make a DSDT file. If not, you can have a fully functioning hackintosh, using my kit, without DSDT.
The hacked kernel allows for upgrading beyond the Atom's end-of-support since 10.6.2. To update the OS, you would need to replace the mach-kernel after the upgrade. (Also, you need to update sleepenabler).
I replaced kexts to reduce error-messages in the console. That resulted in faster sleep and shut-down. I call it instant-sleep, instant-wake, instant-shutdown. It is really fast. See if you agree.
What works:
Basically, everything.
Sound, Ethernet (gigabit), WIFI (N-band), sleep, wake, shutdown, restart, battery management, function keys for sleep, screen brightness up/down/off, etc.
The built-in WIFI card is reported as Airport-Extreme N-band. It works well. Many people swap the original card for the superior Dell 1510 card ($20). It is not too difficult to do, I flashed my 1510 to the vendor code of Apple. It hasn't dropped a connection since. I will put up the instructions and thanks soon.
What you will need:
• Access to any Mac computer, or a Hackintosh.
• 8GB or larger USB thumb-drive, or an 8GB or larger SD card, or an external USB Hard-Drive.
• Asus Eee PC 1005HA or 1005HAB.
• Retail Snow Leopard 10.6 Installer DVD (the $29 one) NOTE: This must be a 10.6.0 MacOSX Installer Disk (retail). Any newer Installer DVDs will not work with MyHack. I am looking into solutions, which will probably involve using a different program than MyHack.
• Mac OS 10.6.6 Combo Updater (downloaded from the support tab at Store it on another (perhaps 2GB) SD card, or a USB Hard-drive.
• USB Mouse
• Jaavros-Kit 1005HA: download from here: [note: this kit is old. There is a new kit here]
To make a USB Thumb-Drive that installs Snow Leopard:
You can do this on any real Mac computer, or any Hackintosh. Basically, you will be Restoring the "Snow Leopard Install DVD 10.6.0" to the Thumb-Drive. Then using the application "myHack" to finish the install. (myHack installs the Bootloader and needed kexts.)
Step 1. Use Disk Utility to "Restore" from the Snow Leopard 10.6.0 Installer DVD to the USB Thumb-Drive. (enable "Erase Destination")
Screen-shots are here.
2. Open "myHack" (from the "Jaavros-Kit 1005HA").
Do a "Custom Install". See the above picture for settings. Important: Make sure you are installing to the USB THUMB-DRIVE, and NOT your local HARD-DRIVE!
3. Copy "Jaavros-Kit 1005HA" to your Thumb-Drive. You will need it later.
Your Thumb-drive is ready to install Snow Leopard on your EeePC!!!
To install Snow Leopard to your Hard-Drive:
Now you are ready to install Snow Leopard. Plug in the USB Mouse and the Thumb-Drive. Hit F10 (to save changes to the Bios and reboot).
1. Press "ESC" when the computer boots. Select the USB Thumb-drive from the list.
2. At first window, select the disk icon for the Mac OSX Installer. Hit return.
Install OSX to your hard drive. (reformat to GUID, if necessary) The install should finish, and tell you it failed. That is correct. Don't panic. You just did a clean install of Snow Leopard to your Hard-Drive!!!
3. You still need to use the Thumb-Drive to boot off your Hard-Drive. Because it is still a clean install (vanilla).
Restart into the Thumb-Drive, as you did earlier. This time you will select the icon for your new Snow Leopard OS and hit Enter. Your computer should boot into Snow Leopard.
When you reach the registration window, fill out the forms. You should eventually reach your desktop. YEY!!!
4. The next thing to do is update to OS 10.6.6. Copy the Mac OS 10.6.6 Combo Updater to your desktop, and run it. After it is done, DO NOT RESTART. Instead, minimize the updater to the dock (by clicking the yellow (-) button).
4. The next thing to do is update to OS 10.6.6. Copy the Mac OS 10.6.6 Combo Updater to your desktop, and run it. After it is done, DO NOT RESTART. Instead, minimize the updater to the dock (by clicking the yellow (-) button).
- Next, you will use myHack to install the Bootloader and Kexts to your Hard-Drive, and then you will replace the Kernel and Kexts with the ones from my kit "Jaavros-Kit 1005HA".
5. Open myHack. Do a "STANDARD INSTALL" to your new Snow Leopard OS. (DO NOT RESTART).
6. You will need to show "invisible" files for the next step. The application "ShowAllFiles" in Jaavros-Kit will do this.You can also use terminal commands to show/hide invisible files.
7. Replace the file "mach_kernel" on the root of your hard-drive with the one from Jaavros-Kit. After that, you can hide invisible files.
8. Replace the folder "Extra" on the root of your hard-drive with "Extra" from Jaavros-Kit. (You may have to delete the previous folder first.)
9. Move files in Jaavros-Kit to /System/Library/Extensions, replacing the ones that are already there.
10. Finally, you need to fix the "permissions and extensions-cache". There is a program called Pfix in the Terminal for that. (The Terminal application is located in /Applications/Utilities/.)
Open a Terminal window. Type "pfix" then hit Enter. Type your password when asked (it seems like nothing happens when you type, that is normal).
Find your HD on the list. It is usually #1.
Type "1", then hit Enter. Pfix will proceed. This takes a several minutes. Be patient. When it is done, you can finally restart. Expand the MacOS 10.6.6 Combo Updater, which you had previously minimized. Click "Restart". You can boot directly to your new Snow Leopard OS.
You no longer need the Thumb-Drive to boot. You should have a fully functional Hackintosh. DO NOT update the operating system to 10.6.7. I will post a hacked-kernel. However, you should use Software-Update to update everything else.
• "Hibernation Image Too Old"
Problem: A message during boot about "Hibernation Image being Too Old".
Open a Terminal window.
sudo pmset hibernatemode 0
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage
You no longer need the Thumb-Drive to boot. You should have a fully functional Hackintosh. DO NOT update the operating system to 10.6.7. I will post a hacked-kernel. However, you should use Software-Update to update everything else.
• "Hibernation Image Too Old"
Problem: A message during boot about "Hibernation Image being Too Old".
Open a Terminal window.
sudo pmset hibernatemode 0
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage
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